Digital/ Infographic
The Nova Games.
This digital flyer was created with the pretense of trying to entice and encourage developers to compete in an "olympic-like" games that would test their knowledge of how their tool is used in production.
While this was an internal project for the teams at Uber, therefore minimal guidelines as to how this flyer should be designed, I decided to try and stick with an Uber-like feel. I did this by using similar colors and simple line work.
The illustrations were created by myself and the "Nova" font was created by Mcwendall Roth.
Each Monday, a set of program managers had a meeting to go over the progress of an internal company project. All of the data they presented on the projects progression, however, was being displayed on an excel sheet.
I was approached by one of the program managers to make an infographic that could be updated weekly in order to make all of the data more digestible and by his fellow coworkers. To do this qualified the number of variables involved. I realized quickly that separating the data into 3 main categories and color coding the data that would be effected by the three main categories, would be the easiest and most visually appealing to understand.